Dr. Herbert Weber -- Bio

Dr. Herbert Weber is a chair professor of computer science at the Technical University of Berlin and Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering with locations in Berlin and Dortmund, Germany. In this capacity he acts as a mediator between research organizations and the industry in government sponsored activities, in industry initiatives, in domestic and foreign projects and in the conceptualization of technology development and transfer policies.

Dr. Weber initiated and supported numerous technology transfer initiatives and projects on behalf of and with many industrial companies in Europe and the USA and acted as the chief information and communication technology advisor to the state government of North-Rhine Westfalia in the Federal Republic of Germany. He received a Diploma-Degree and a PhD in Numerical Mathematics and Applied Physics from the Technical University of Berlin in 1967 and 1970, respectively. Since then he has been affiliated with the Technical University of Berlin as an Assistant Professor, as a Visiting Assistant Professor with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with IBM Research in San Jose, with the Hahn- Meitner-Institut in Berlin, as a full professor with the University of Bremen in 1980 and with the University of Dortmund in 1984. In 1978 he taught as a Distinguished Visitor at the University of Texas at Austin and in 1979 as a Visiting Professor at INRIA/France.

During his career he conducted research on Communication based Systems, Data Management Systems, Software Engineering and Software Development Environments. In his various affiliations in the US and in Europe he has been working mostly in software engineering, on the development of data base systems and distributed data management systems. He has published a large number of papers on his work and presented his research results in many lectures in Europe, the United States and Japan. He has actively participated in the organization of a large number of international conferences, was General Chairman of the 4th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (1978) and General Chairman of the 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (1987). He was a member of the editorial board for the IEEE-CS Transaction on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering and IEEE Computer and served the IEEE Computer Society as a member of the governing board. He carries the most prestigeous IEEE- Computer Society's Golden Core Member award.

